VXDIAG VCX SE DoNET No Communication with DAS?


Followed this guide to set up DoNET super remote diagnostic, the VXDIAG VCX SE Benz device was well connected via DoNET.

But it does not communicate with DAS software.

VXDIAG VCX SE DoNET No Communication with DAS 1


VXDIAG VCX SE DoNET No Communication with DAS 2

Here is the clue.

We were informed by VXDIAG engineer that the VXDIAG DoNET remote diagnostic does not work on DAS software.

If need to diagnose a Mercedes via DAS, use local connection (USB, WiFi or LAN). Don’t use DoNET remote connection.


VXDIAG VCX FD for GM & Ford Review

Here comes the honest review from VXDIAG VCX FD for Ford and GM.

VXDIAG VCX FD for GM & Ford Review

“Bought vcx fd on sale ford and gm.
Ford works cable and wifi even faster than vcm2. Tested on old escort and few new mondeo fusion.
gm gds2 also works ok interface is seen as mdi2 didn’t test wifi thou.
tech2win tested works also ok on all pins.
I do not recommend installing ford and gm on same partition.
Also never start vxdiag manager before doing diagnostic. only when need to update the license.

Tested pcmflash with vxdiag fd its slow. ”

VXDIAG VCX FD Firmware Update Failed Solution


VXDIAG VCX CAN FD device shows there is a new firmware version Tried to update firmware but failed. Failed to update license either. Any idea?

VXDIAG VCX FD Firmware Update Failed  1

VXDIAG VCX FD Firmware Update Failed  2

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Vxdiagshop.com engineer did a Teamviewer check and found he was using regular vx manager for vcx se previously.
Then he connected vcx fd with Beta vx manager for vcx fd, it asked for firmware update.

VCX FD usually comes with latest firmware version before delivery. Current version is
VCX FD is not compatible with regular vx manager for vcx nano/vcx se.

The firmware program may be damaged by the regular vx manager.
Need to be sent back for factory repair.

VXDIAG Benz W223 DoIP Read VIN but Not Continue?


There is a problem with VXDIAG VCX SE Mercedes xentry scanner.

If i try to work on a doip car like 223 i need (while it start to read the Information)
To open vxmanager and press on doip on. Only then it work. If i don’t do it, it read the vin but at the check vin point, it won’t go to the next step.
Maybe you got a idea why?


VXDIAG Benz W223 DoIP Read VIN but Not Continue 1

VXDIAG Benz W223 DoIP Read VIN but Not Continue 2


System issue. Reinstall system and try again.




Reinstall full system solved the problem.



VXDIAG Benz 2024.09 Xentry Cannot Login MB Account?


Got the VXDIAG VCX SE Benz with 2024.09 Xentry software. But failed to login xentry with the original Daimler account to do online SCN coding.

VXDIAG Benz 2024.09 Xentry Cannot Login MB Account 1

 VXDIAG Benz 2024.09 Xentry Cannot Login MB Account 2


The 2024.09 or previous versions are cracked offline versions of xentry. Cannot access scn onling coding even with the original MB account.

VXDIAG device does have online scn coding capabilities, just need to find the proper software version. Better use OEM software.