Overview of all Opel/Vauxhall vehicles with regard to Diagnose and Technical Information.
This table lists all Opel/Vauxhall vehicles and their corresponding source for diagnosis and documentation.
Got the ODIS-S 23.0.1 software installed and activated on Win10 laptop. VX Manager detected the VXDIAG VCX SE 6154 interface but no VCI (no VAS 6154 and others) selection in ODIS-Seriver software. Any solution?
The original 6154 driver is lost or hacked by virus.
Contact www.vxdiagshop.com to download original ODIS-S PDU driver (VW D-PDU API 64bit).
Double-click to install the VW D-PDU API 64bit driver setup. Choose the destination location as C:/Program Files/VW_PDUAPI_OS folder and wait until the setup installation is finished.
It should be fine. Run ODIS-S software again. Select VCI type as VAS 6154.
VXDIAG VCX NANO Ford/VCX SE/VCX FD Ford interface is compatible with both Forscan and FDRS software. What software to start with?
Both software have their place and you should use the one best suited for each job.
FORScan is great for making config changes/mods to settings as you’ve already figured out. You can reset various modules (including GWM) via FORScan. You can make changes with forscan, including Bambi mode, removed the “full screen not available”, removed the double horn honk, enable cameras at speed, change the tire size and more. Forscan lite (IOS or android) does not support editing asbuilt data of any modules. If you want to edit asbuild data you have to do it with forscan on a windowsn computer with the free trial extended license or the paid extended license.
FDRS is a better troubleshooting, diagnostics and firmware update tool … it’s an OEM tool designed to do exactly that. FORScan can technically upgrade firmware but seems to lag behind on versions and complete module support based on my experience. It’s also harder to figure out whether you really need an update. In FDRS, you just click the sw updates tab and it shows everything you need to update and you mash the run button. You still have to subscribe to another service get workshop and wiring diagrams and lastly FDRS is a bit of a “snitch”. It logs everything you do to Ford backend servers. It is supposed to perform when replacing a malfunctioning module with a new one. It takes the as-built configuration from the server and writes it onto a new module.
If you don’t want to spring for the Rotunda, Cardaq or Mongoose interfaces, you can also use a VXDiag VCX FD. It’s about $200 with the Ford/Mazda license and you can also add licenses for other OEM’s if you want. I updated my 2024 truck this week because it wasn’t getting OTA and had some TSB’s I was dealing with.
It was worth a try to use the upgraded VXDiag VCX FD, especially considering some of the riskier and more expensive modules like APIM use a USB to load and flash the software anyway.
VXDIAG VCX SE JLR and SDD software V165 did not communicate with a 2006 Land rover LR3. It cannot read VIN automatically. Tried manually input VIN, it cannot proceed to read modules.
It does work on another newer Jaguar. Any solution?
Error “The system needs to be refigure in order to support Current and Legacy vehicles”
VXDIAG JLR interface only does 2007 to 2016 Jaguar Land rover models.
It cannot access to 2006 and older models.
Use other interfaces instead.
Failed to install driver for VXDIAG VCX NANO GM scanner. VX Manager gives error MDI driver not installed and device license for this application is invalid or expired.
Usually, you don’t need to install SGM RDS driver. It is for Chinese brands.
If need to diagnose Chinese GM with RDS, your license has expired. Update license before installing the SGM RDS driver.
Got the license update. When installing driver again, it says GM GDS2 or Tech2win Software Not Installed.
Just as indicated, install GDS2 and Tech2win software, then install this driver.