VXDIAG PSA Diagbox License Invalid Solution


VXDIAG VCX SE PSA Diagbox 9.85 failed to connect to a Citroen DS2. The software searches for the VCI and then it says the license is invalid. However, the PSA license was activated. Both firmware and license are up-to-date.

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Vxdiagshop.com engineer did a Teamviewer check and found the solution.

Many software on his computer conflict with the diagbox software.

Since the VXDIAG PSA scanner uses a separate driver for diagbox, you should install Diagbox software on a separate laptop.

Then it should be fine.

VXDIAG PSA Diagbox Cannot Read Module Citroen C4 Solution


It is a Citroen C4 PICASSO C4 SPACETOURER, VIN: VF73ABHZTGJ675964. VXDIAG VCX SE PSA Diagbox 9.85 software detects the VIN automatically then disconnects,and  cannot read modules. The program says automatic detection of the vehicle is interrupted.

VXDIAG PSA Diagbox Cannot Read Module Citroen C4  1


www.vxdiagshop.com engineer did a Teamviewer check and solved the problem.

Try manually selecting C4 PICASSO instead of auto selection.

Then Diagbox will read module without problem.

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VXDIAG PSA Diagbox 9.85 VCI is Not Connected Solution


Got the PSA driver installed and vx manager detected the VXDIAG VCX SE PSA VCI. Followed the instructions to install Diagbox 9.85 but the software did not see VCI. No VCI connection with software and vehicle.

Any solution?

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Vxdiagshop.com technician did a Teamviewer check and found some programs on his system are in conflict with the PSA driver.

Don’t install GM, VAG, Nissan, Ford etc software with Diagbox driver and software.

Install Diagnox 9.85 on a separate laptop or partition.

VXDIAG PSA Diagbox 9.85 VCI is Not Connected 3

Check: How to Install and Activate VXDIAG PSA Diagbox 9.85 Software?

How to Solve VXDIAG PSA Diagbox Load SDK DLL Failed?


Got the PSA license activated for the VXDIAG VCX SE device. After installing the PSA VCI driver, it didn’t detect the VCX SE unit. The driver reported an error “Diagbox Load SKL DLL failed”.

Any solution?

VXDIAG PSA Diagbox Load SDK DLL Failed


Uninstall and reinstall the PSA VCI Driver management tool.

PSA uses a separate driver.

Run PSA VCI driver and check if device is connected.

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Then run Diagbox software on desktop.

How to Install Tech2win in PSA Service Box?

Here is the guide to install GM Opel Tech2win from PSA service box. PSA Group has added the Opel/Vauxhall Tech2win subscription as standard included in the GDS2 Subscription.

This works with Passthru tools such as vxdiag vcx nano gm, drewtech Mongoose GM, Drewtech cardaq, Cardaq m, Bosch KTS and even Ford VCM3. However it does not work with Autel Passthru :( you will need to make sure the relevant drivers are installed.)
Then go to Service Box. You MUST use Chrome as the browser and NOT Edge, Explorer or Firefox. For some reason the Java doesn't run properly on those.
Install Tech2win in PSA Service Box 1

Purchase Opel/Vauxhall Legacy & Chevrolet Subscription
Install Tech2win in PSA Service Box 2

You'll need to purchase subscription for SPS programming.
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Install Tech2win in PSA Service Box 4
Go to TIS
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Install Tech2win in PSA Service Box 7
Install application
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Installing Tech2win
Install Tech2win in PSA Service Box 9

Select Tech2 diagnostic tool for Download
Install Tech2win in PSA Service Box 10

Select Opel/Vauxhall bin file version to download
Install Tech2win in PSA Service Box 11

Install Tech2win in PSA Service Box 12
Install Tech2win successfully. Now T2W is ready to use.