VXDIAG ODIS V23 Cannot Scan All Modules Solution


VXDIAG VCX SE 6154 connects fine with ODIS service software 23 but it cannot scan/read all modules. Some modules are missing. Another vcx se 6154 has no problem. Any solution?

VXDIAG ODIS V23 Cannot Scan All Module 1


Update VW 6154 driver in vx manager and try again.

VXDIAG ODIS V23 Cannot Scan All Module 2

We also did a teamviewer check on the customer’s laptop. There are too many diagnostic software that will conflict with the ODIS v23 software.

Better install ODIS software on a separate partition.

VXDIAG ODIS V23 Cannot Scan All Module 3

VXDIAG 2TB HDD All Software Installed or Not?


If I buy a 2TB VXDIAG hard drive is it supposed to have all the software brands on it?
all installed it set up and ready to be used?

VXDIAG 2TB HDD All Software Installed

Here is the clue.

Apart from Renault Clip, Ford and Mazda IDS software, all other software are pre-installed.

For GDS2, Toyota techstream, Subaru SSM4, Nissan Consult3 plus, Ford/Mazda IDS you need to start from patch.

GM GDS2/Tech2win: installed, but need to run software from patch

Toyota Techstream: installed, but need to run software from patch

Subaru SSM4: installed, but need to run software from patch

Honda HDS: installed, ready to use

VAG ODIS: installed, ready to use.

JLR SDD: installed, ready to use

Nissan Consult 3 plus: installed, but need to run software from patch

Ford/Mazda IDS: Not installed, need to install software and run from patch

Renault clip: Not installed, need to install software

PSA diagbox: installed, ready to use.



If you find software displays in Chinese, contact us to change language via Teamviewer.


Contact us if need 2TB software HDD or SSD only:


WHATSAPP: +12133760215

VXDIAG ODIS Cannot Read Audi A7 VIN Solution


One of vxdiagshop.com’s customers has a problem connecting vxdiag vcx se 6154 ODIS v23 with an Audi A7 2014. ODIS will not auto read VIN of this car, tried manual input VIN still cannot communicate with vehicle. 6154 driver was installed properly.

Image attached:

VXDIAG ODIS Cannot Read Audi A7 VIN 1

VXDIAG ODIS Cannot Read Audi A7 VIN 2

VXDIAG ODIS Cannot Read Audi A7 VIN 3


We can see from here (image below), there is no Audi database. You choose the wrong database.

VXDIAG ODIS Cannot Read Audi A7 VIN 4

If need to diagnose Audi, enter software from Audi car icon. It has Audi database. Vice versa.

VXDIAG ODIS Cannot Read Audi A7 VIN 5 www.vxdiagshop.com

VXDIAG Tested Working with ODIS Service V24.0.1

Good news! VXDIAG scanners (VCX SE 6154, VCX DoIP series) were tested working with ODIS Service V24.0.1 software.


No need new 6154 driver update. Current driver version is compatible with ODIS 24 version.

VXDIAG Tested Working with ODIS Service V24.0.1

NOTE: We don’t provide ODIS 24 software.

ODIS Service V24.0.1 is a remote installation and tech support setup for VAS 6154/A/B and J2534. It is only available for GeKo and GRP users.

If you got the ODIS S v24, vxdiag is a cheap J2534 to choose. 

How to Solve VXDIAG ODIS 23 VCX VW Crash Error?


I got the ODIS V23 installed and vxdiag vcx se 6154 interface connected to car, when run odis and start diagnostic, it threw an error vcx vw crash. Any solution?



Driver issue. VX Manager is corrupt.

Install vx manager driver again.

Make sure the 6154 driver is installed.
