Q: When do you need to update the Xentry Diagnosis VCI version?
A: Your vxdiag vcx se benz/ benz c6 IP setting is correct, the device is connected (no question mark icon), but xentry reported error 'initialization of diagnosis multiplexer failed ', shown as image below:
1. if vxdiag benz c6 driver is well installed IN VX Manager
2). Run Xentry VCI Recovery program on the desktop, and check if xentry software version matches the Xentry VCI version (i.e 06/2021 xentry matches 2021.06 VCI version).
Press Update to update VCI until finished.
NOTE: If your xentry reported multiplexer failed error and device cannot be detected (with a question mark), check if Benz driver is installed, update C6 VCI and DoIP firmware.