Possible to Download VXDIAG Firmware to V1.6?


Hi is there a way to downgrade my vxdiag vcx se version to 1.6 and back to new version without loosing my license or hardware?


No, it is not possible once you update you can't go back.
VX Manager FW1.8+ has a different license. You will lose all licenses after downgrading.
You can downgrade with loosing licenses.
After return back to the FW1.8+ licenses restored from the VXdiag server.
Newly installed licenses completely overwrite old.

Actually licenses for the VXDiag SE FW1.6 should be the same as VXDiag nano.
Better don't downgrade firmware.

VXDIAG Failed to Update Firmware After Retry


My vxdiag vcx nano gm asks to renew license. so I follow this guide to install latest vx manager, update firmware and license.

It won’t let me update vci firmware and reported another error “Updated license failed! Retry. ErrorCode:8001” (image2)



VXdiagshop.com solution:

Force VCI firmware upgrade status to ON. If it is DoIP device, force both VCI and DoIP status to ON.

Then update firmware and license again.


If still not working, contact our customer service for help.