I had a problem setting up vxdiag vcx nano gm scanner with Techline Connect for Volt 2012 SPS2 online programming. There is no VXDIAG or J2534 VCI device selection. It also reported an error “SPS2 error E9043 The VCI device is currently performing another Techline Connect Task.” when launching Techline Connect.
Error images attached:
You forget to install the Passthru driver.
Install Passthru driver in VX Manager. Then you will see VXDIAG device option.
Run VXDIAG installed, change the connection from Auto to USB and
select PassThru driver.
Next on Techline Connect, you should
see Vxdiag option.
How to set up or configure DTS Monaco 9.02 with VXDIAG VCX SE Benz DoIP VCI?
DTS Monaco 9 vxdiag vcx se DOIP connection configuration
VCI Name: VCX_SE (VCX_DoIP if it is a Benz
Bus System Interface: D-PDU API
D-PDU API Version: Bosch
Module Type: Module_Type_ID_MTS6532
Or try this
VCI Name: VCX_SE (VCX_DoIP if it is a Benz C6 VCI)
Bus System Interface:
D-PDU API Version: Bosch D_PDU_API_Bosch_MTS6532
Module Type:
Same configuration steps goes to DTS 8.16.
If there is no MTS6532 option when configuring DTS 9.02 or 8.16, check the solution here:
One of our customers had a problem accessing Mercedes S class W223 using VXDIAG VCX SE Benz and 2024.03 Xentry software. VX Manager detects VCI. Zenzefi license was activated as well.
Xentry reported an error “Authentication Has Failed”
There is a bug with the Zenzefi certificate of the 2024.03 software version.
Need to replace 2 files to the 2024.03 Xentry to use Zenzefi license.
Contact us to get these files: WHATSAPP: 86-18064450969
1st file:
Copy and paste XD_MB file to ProgramData/Mercedes-Benz/config folder
2nd file:
Copy and paste ActiveSetup folder to ProgramFiles (x86)/Mercedes-Benz folder
After replacing these files, Zenzefi license can be loaded to 2024.03 Xentry successfully.
If software stuck on this page after replacing files. Try logging in Xentry with user name: 1 and password: 1.
ISTA 4.39.20 is not working with VXDIAG VCX SE BMW scanner. ISTA software cannot detect VCX SE VCI. Any solution?
For those who have a similar problem, reinstall BMW ICOM driver.
Go to Diagnostic tab, Uninstall BMW ICOM driver then Install again.
It should be fine.
It is working now.
Here is's customer working experience on setting up VXDIAG VCX SE Nissan Consult 3 Plus software on Windows 11. Hope it helps.
“It won’t recognize my VCX SE after the install. I tried everything. All the VX Manger drivers are installed, I tried it manually, etc. It is a Win11 laptop.
In Version Display in Consult 3, it says blank for VI Firmware and blank for MI Firmware.
My VCS SE is plugged in via USB and has power to it.
I got it to work with some REGEDITS. You should probably share these for people.
J2534 PassThru for Nissan Consult III+
1. Install Niassan Consult III+.
2. Make sure the driver for your PassThru is installed.
3. Open regedit.exe
4. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node > PassThruSupport.04.04
5. From there choose your device. (For example I have a Nexiq Usb-link, so I choose either ” NEXIQ Technologies – USB-Link” or “NEXIQ Technologies – USB-Link Bluetooth”. I choose to use standard USB-Link)
6. Once you’ve click on your device look in the right column for “Name”
7.Right click on “Name” and choose “Modify…”
8. A window will appear copy exactly what it say in the “Value data:” box. (For example mine is “NEXIQ USB-Link over USB”)
9. Close regedit.
10. Navigate to “C:\CONSULT-III_plus\System\Application\ApplicationData\CommonSetting”
11. Open “DiagnosticTool.ini”
12. Copy & Paste the text below under “access_mode=1” in
with the exception of putting the text you copied from
regedit in place of “!!!!YOUR_DEVICE_NAME!!!!”:
13. Done