What Renault Clip Version for VXDIAG VCX SE?


My Renault CLIP V222 version cannot detect vxdiag vcx se Renault DoIP cable.

Do i need older or newer version or patch or something? Driver is installed and have renault active license.



V219 Clip version works fine.

The latest version tested working is V237. You can use both V219 or V237.

vxdiag works with CLIP 237. Just need to use proper driver.
contact vxdiagshop.com for VCI driver or check here directly.

Free Download and Install VXDIAG Renault CLIP V237

Works fine with CLIP237 and is definitely not crap.
Works fine for diagnostic functions and repairs.

Just learn how to do proper installations and work with software and hardware.

Pay attention to the driver installation. Install Renault driver separately. Don’t need to install Renault driver in vx manager.

VXDIAG VCX SE vs Scanmatik 2 Pro for Xentry Passthru

VXDIAG VCX SE and Scanmatik 2 Pro which is a better J2534 Passthru device for Xentry Passthru software?

vxdiag vcx se xentry passthru
sm2 pro xentry passthru

Here is the clue.

Scanmatik 2 Pro (SM2 pro) J2534 is great solution for small car repair shops or car repair shops where Mercedes is a frequent but not core brand. With these devices, you can use DAS/Xentry/Vediamo 4/Monaco almost to the fullest. But passenger cars older than 2005 – most likely, not all units will be seen or the car will not be detected at all. Trucks that open via DAS will be ignored right away. But, for example, Xentry Cars 2024.09, Xentry Trucks 23.12 and newer do not officially recognize SD Connect C4 and work fine via Passthru.

VXDIAG VCX SE Benz is the most universal device at the moment, with support for DoIP and fresh versions of Xentry. It can be used with both Xentry Openshell and Passthru version. with Xentry 2023.12 XDOS and it takes everything it needs. In PassThru mode, it works better than Chinese clone of Scanmatic.

On diagnostics of MB w167 2021 year Xentry PT 2023.12 + SM2 did not work. Xentry XDOS 2023.12 + VXDIAG worked. 

It gave Login fail on Xentry Cars 2023.12 Passthru and at the same time were perfectly diagnosed through the same Xentry Cars 2023.12 XDOS with exactly the same set of certificates.

So it is necessary to use both Xentry XDOS and Passthru version. If Passthru fails, use XDOS. In this case, vxdiag vcx se is a better option.

VXDIAG Benz Xentry Software Update to 2024.09

VXDIAG Benz C6 driver is ready for 2024.09 Xentry. The new Xentry software hard drive is available at www.vxdiagshop.com.

2024.09 VXDIAG Benz Software List

Xentry/DAS: 2024.09
DTS Monaco 8.13.029/ 9.02
Vediamo 5.01.01
StarFinder 2024

The hard drive contains Vediamo engineering software now.

NOTE: 2024.09 software does not support Benz trucks. If need to diagnose Benz trucks, choose 2023.09 version xentry.

For VXDIAG VCX SE and VCX DoIP Benz multiplexers.

Driver version

Choose VCI version as 202409 in Xentry Diagnosis VCI Update tool.

2024.09 vxdiag benz xentry 1

2024.09 VXDIAG Benz Software Display

2024.09 vxdiag benz xentry 2
2024.09 vxdiag benz xentry 3

2024.09 vxdiag benz xentry 4

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017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2

Tutorial: How to program 2017 Chevrolet Volt LT to allow Openpilot Operation using Techline Connect SPS.


Several people have successfully enabled Openpilot operation on 2017 LT Volts without stock Premier features. This section will cover the firmware modifications required to enable Openpilot. Hardware modifications are also required. Stock cruise control will be inoperative after these modifications, only cruise available will be Openpilot once it is booted.



The Chevrolet Volt (2016-2018) is a popular vehicle to use with OpenPilot and the C2/C3. Out of the box, only the Premier optioned Volt with the Driver Convenience II package is supported. This model includes a radar behind the bow tie on the grille, LKAS, and Adaptive Cruise Control. The LT version is not officially supported, nor is the Premier version without radar Adaptive Cruise Control. But…. There is a way! Either way you have to have a radar which can easily be bought on eBay and wired to the OBDII port, as well as the radar transparent bow tie which is much harder to come by. I believe this is optional if you want to use the very Alpha E2E longitudinal model.

All of the main modules in the vehicle are the same between LT and Premier versions. This means that the only limitation is in software, i.e. which commands the ECM (Engine Control Module), BCM (Body Control Module), Brake Module, Power Steering Module, and Cluster are willing to accept/transmit between each other and OpenPilot. GM may change their software in the future, breaking the process. As always, do at your own risk. Worst case scenario can leave a vehicle module inoperative if done incorrectly. Firmware modification like this will result in DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) that will be invisible to the user (no dash icons) but will be visible if you take the vehicle to the dealer. All codes reference lost communication with Premier modules that do not exist such as Park Assist and Blind Spot Monitoring and do not affect normal operation.

After programming, stock cruise control will cease to exist, you must always use Openpilot.




  • GM TechLine Connect (included in when purchased against a VIN)
  • GM Developmental Programming System (DPS)
  • Windows 10 or 11 computer with at least 8GB of RAM and modern specs (see specifications list on GMs website)
  • VX Manager
  • VXDIAG VCX Nano GM OBDII Programmer (or equivalent product/official MDI from GM)
  • About 2-5 hours depending on computer speed and your proficiency with operating the systems
  • An internet connection during all programming tasks




  • Car must be unplugged from wall charger
  • Car should be attached to a 12V trickle charger (I did this without, but the software recommends it as battery voltage fluctuations could cause adverse programming effects, i.e. bricking a module).
  • If using a laptop, ensure sufficient battery charge or keep it plugged in.
  • I have found most success programming with the car in maintenance mode (hold start button down with foot off brake for about 5 seconds). * If you have issues with this, try with vehicle fully on or off.
  • When completed with programming, use extreme caution when testing Openpilot for the first time, it may or may not work correctly (no longitudinal or no lateral control). Once you confirm everything works as expected, it’s just like a Premier Volt!
  • Throughout programming, various chimes/lights will turn on and off/relays will chatter, this is normal.

If you do not disable Anti-Virus and firewall you will have issues! VX Manager is highlighted as a virus for some reason. I installed on a fresh Windows install out of caution.



Software Preparation

  • Install VX Manager. Only install “PASSTHROUGH - J2534”. The GM packages will be handled by GM’s installation.
  • Install GM TechLine Connect
  • Install GM Developmental Programming System / Patches




ACDelcoTDS is GM’s online portal to vehicle diagnostics and programming. A single VIN costs $45 for a year.

Sign into https://www.acdelcotds.com/subscriptions, or create an account if needed.

When purchasing a VIN through the system, you will need to find a VIN that has the software you desire. i.e. a Premier with Driver Confidence II package (make sure it has a flat plastic trim where the bow tie is on the grille). Also, ensure the VIN you select is the same year as your vehicle.

Optionally purchase another VIN that is the actual vehicle that you own, in case things don’t work you can flash the original firmware back to the car (or if you sell the car and wish to return to stock).

Once purchased you will see your active VINs under “My Subscriptions”. Click “View”, then select the Premier VIN. This will bring you to a page to download and install TechLine Connect if you have not already. If TechLine Connect is installed, you will see an option to start it. Before running/installing TechLine Connect, open VX Manager, your VCX Nano will beep to verify connection, if it does not, select reconnect on the main screen.

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 1

VIN Subscriptions.

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 2

VXManager Reconnect if needed.

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 3

Actual Programming


Once TechLine connect is opened, make sure your Premier VIN is selected, then click “Select”.

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 4

A dialog box will pop up to select the interface with the vehicle, select “VXDIAG”.

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 5

Ensure Premier VIN is selected at top dropdown box. Click “Next”.

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 6

A listing of all the control modules from the Premier VIN is shown. From this point forward, this screen will be where you select the module you would like to program.

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 7

The system will give you an error at the selection of each module, letting you know the VIN selected does not match your VIN, always select “OVERRIDE”.

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 8

The following photos show the programming process as well as the ECU list. It will be the same process for each module, although the information displayed will vary.


ECU List Page 1-3

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 9

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 10

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 11

ECU Programming Page 1-4

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 12

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 13

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 14

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 15

Body Control Module Programming (K9)


Body control module programming is required to allow lateral/longitudinal operation of Openpilot. This module may not need to be programmed if you already have lateral control with Openpilot and are currently using a Pedal for longitudinal control.

  • Select “Body Control Module” under the ECU list in TechLine Connect.
  • “Override” VIN mismatch.
  • Click “Next”
  • Click “Next”
  • Click “Ok” for the warning on reprogramming with same calibration
  • Programming will finish properly. At the end you will probably get a warning on the dash to recalibrate the driver’s window. DONE!

Engine Control Module Programming (K20)


Engine control module programming is required to enable longitudinal operation of Openpilot

  • Select “Engine Control Module” under the ECU list in TechLine Connect
  • “Override” VIN mismatch
  • Click “Next”
  • Click “Next”
  • Click “Ok” for the warning on reprogramming with same calibration
  • Programming will NOT finish properly. Wait till it finishes trying and gives you a dialog box saying there was a failure. DONE!

Power Steering Control Module Programming (K43)


Power Steering Control Module programming is required to enable lateral operation of Openpilot. Not required for Volts that already have LKAS

  • Select “Power Steering Control Module” under the ECU list in TechLine Connect
  • “Override” VIN mismatch
  • Click “Next”
  • Click “Next”
  • Click “Ok” for the warning on reprogramming with same calibration
  • Programming will finish properly
  • DONE!

Electronic Brake Control Module Programming (K17)


Electronic Brake Control Module programming is required to enable longitudinal operation of Openpilot

  • Select “Electronic Brake Control Module” under the ECU list in TechLine Connect
  • “Override” VIN mismatch
  • Click “Next”
  • Click “Next”
  • Click “Ok” for the warning on reprogramming with same calibration
  • Programming will finish properly
  • DONE!

Brake Booster Control Module Programming (K177)


Brake Booster Control Module programming is required to enable longitudinal operation of Openpilot

  • Select “Brake Booster Control Module” under the ECU list in TechLine Connect
  • “Override” VIN mismatch
  • Click “Next”
  • Click “Next”
  • Click “Ok” for the warning on reprogramming with same calibration
  • Programming will finish properly
  • DONE!

Instrument Cluster Programming (P16)


Instrument Cluster programming is not required for Openpilot operation, although it does offer a more streamlined user experience.

Without programming: Cruise Control icons will appear distorted

  • ACC icons on the cluster will be missing
  • “Following Distance” menu on the cluster will be missing
  • “Following Distance” menu on the cluster will be missing
017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 16

With programming:

  • Cruise Control icons will show premier versions of icons
  • ACC icon will show selected following distance
  • ACC icon will show an Openpilot vehicle lead is targeted
  • “Following Distance” menu on the cluster will be visible

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 17

Instrument Cluster programming is a bit more involved. If you flash with the Premier firmware, you will fix the above issues, but the cluster will also display errors for ECUs that your vehicle does not have (for an LT Volt you will receive “Service Park Assist” and “Service Blind Spot Monitor” errors EVERY TIME YOU START THE VEHICLE. It will also dash out the mileage after an undetermined amount of time due to a VIN MISMATCH. We need to tell the Instrument Cluster that we do not have these systems installed so we no longer receive these errors AND keep our original VIN. This is done using an XML/RPO Build File. A “recipe” per se for the cluster firmware.
 At the end of this document, I will document how these files are acquired. For your enjoyment I have attached this file, for a 2017 Volt, here. (unzip it). I have also attached an example XMLFile.txt here. All you need to do is replace YOUR_VIN with, well, your VIN.

NOTE: Using the following directions, you will temporarily receive a "Service Front Camera" error anytime Openpilot is disconnected or not fully booted. Go to the next section to see how to fix this issue if you find it to be annoying.

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 18

Copy “XMLFile.xml” to /DPS/Config.

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 19

Open “Developmental Programming System”. Select “Program” at the top of the window, then “Dev. Programming Tool”

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 20

Select “1 (33.3KBd)” from the “Diagnostic Pin” dropdown box. Select “ECU Configuration”.

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 21

Select “Select XML Config File”, choose the file you just copied to /DPS/Config. Select “Create Build Data File .TXT”

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 22

Ensure the VIN at the top is populated with YOUR VIN. Select options under “RPO Selections”.

For an LT Volt:

  • EF7 - United States (or change to your country accordingly)
  • KSG - This corrects cruise control icons
  • UE1 - Onstar
  • UE4 - This enables the following distance indicator/menu
  • UHX - This corrects ACC icons

Select “Write RPO Build Data”

Ensure “Build Data File” box has been populated with the file you just created.

017 GM Volt LT Openpilot with VXDIAG and SPS2 23

Select “Execute”, do not interrupt process until it finishes or errors out.

To quickly verify correct execution, try to turn on cruise control on the steering wheel, you will see the new icons!




In short, the firmware is a generic cake (could be chocolate, could be vanilla) lol. The XMLFile.xml is the recipe to make any generic cake minus the flavor. The XMLFile.txt file that we create tells the recipe XMLFile.xml to make a chocolate cake vs a vanilla cake. Make sense?

GMs intention is to make this process seamless, and for most users this is fine. But when we want to modify the firmware we have to do this manually. Timing is important for this, the XMLFile.xml is temporary while the firmware is being downloaded and is immediately deleted. We have to copy the file at JUST the right moment.

In Windows File Explorer, navigate to /USERNAME/sps/type4, if this folder does not exist, create and open it. Keep it visible alongside the TechLine Connect software.

Go through the process of programming the “Instrument Cluster” just like you would any of the other modules, get to the point where you select “Start Programming”

After clicking “Start Programming”, the program will have a spinning circle as it makes connection with the vehicle. As SOON as it gets to the next step of downloading the firmware, pull the VCX Nano out of the OBDII port (to prevent actually programming anything). AT THE SAME TIME there should be a new folder in the type4 folder. Either open it and drag the XMLFile.xml to the desktop, or drag the entire folder to the desktop. At this point TechLine Connect will report an error (because the precious files are gone). That’s fine. Exit TechLine Connect and use the XMLFile.xml in DPS as described earlier. Even better, open that file in notepad and you can see what each RPO code in the build file does.

Note: Not all ECUs have an XMLFile.xml, there seems to be no reason an ECU has it vs not. What’s important is the Instrument Cluster has this file and allows us to cherry pick the features we want and don’t want, allowing an LT Volt to have Premier ACC icons without additional system errors, while at the same time keeping YOUR VIN on the ECU, preventing a VIN mismatch error (dashed out mileage).

Service Front Camera Error Fix


One of the things that bothered me with this setup is the “Service Front Camera” error that temporarily pops up before Openpilot is fully booted. So I dove down the task of getting rid of it, and sure enough, it's possible! I have loaded the modified XMLFile.xml here.

Two RPO codes when applied to the IPC create this DTC/error. KSG: CRUISE CONTROL AUTOMATIC, ADAPTIVE WITH STOP/GO, and UHX: LANE ACTIVE SAFETY-KEEP ASSIST. This makes sense as the stock Premium Volt has a camera for both of these systems.

The file that will be edited for this is the XMLFile.xml

This file has several sections that are important. DPS looks at the XMLFile.txt on how to build the instruction set to the IPC. So everything is based solely off RPO codes.

At the very bottom of the file, there is a section that simply lists RPO codes, for example:


Above this section are the RPO options themselves.

Then above that, there are DTCs that can be set! For example:

<Parameter ParamDefaultValue="00">
   <ConfData useConfData="true">
      <ConfigData Value="00" AutoGenExpression="(!KSG)">
            <RpoCodeRef IDREF="OCKSG" hasToBeAvailable="false" />
      <ConfigData Value="01" AutoGenExpression="(KSG)">
            <RpoCodeRef IDREF="OCKSG" hasToBeAvailable="true" />
   <ServiceSection IsServiceAccessAllowed="false">
      <Interpretation Text="Disable" Value="00" />
      <Interpretation Text="Enable" Value="01" />

The first RPO code that will throw DTCs, as well as the "Service Front Camera" error, is KSG: CRUISE CONTROL AUTOMATIC, ADAPTIVE WITH STOP/GO. Pay attention to the above section. First, you can see that this block of code references setting a DTC if the RPO code of KSG is selected. For the ParamDefaultValue, it shows 00 meaning this DTC is set to DISABLEDBut, if you have the KSG option, the DTC value is 01, meaning this DTC is set to ENABLED so if the IPC finds an issue with option KSG you will get an error on the display. Changing the 01 to 00 disables the DTC even with this RPO code selected! This will have to be completed on line 969. No more “Service Front Camera”, for Adaptive Cruise Control!!!

The second RPO code that will throw DTCs, as well as the “Service Front Camera” error, is the UHX: LANE ACTIVE SAFETY-KEEP ASSIST. Notice in the DTC list of XMLFile.xml, there is no DTC item matching up to the RPO code of UHXBUT… notice that there are two different sections for UHX. One is P_LANE_KEEPER_ASSIST_INDICATOR_ENABLED and the other is P_OPTION_LANE_KEEPER_PRESENT. So on line 1595, we change the 01 to 00. This tells the IPC not to look for the system on the CANBUS, while the indicator is still enabled.

After editing the XMLFile.xml, load it into DPS as the instructions dictate, and flash the IPC. You will never receive “Service Front Camera” ever again.

FINAL NOTES: Like I said earlier, do all this AT YOUR OWN RISK. It worked on mine, but differing models/years could be different. After programming, you may need to use GDS2 to remove all DTCs, or a code reader to clear out the check engine light. This is normal. Also needed is a window re-calibration (move driver’s window full up and full down to calibrate automatic operation). Last but not least, you may have to accomplish a parking brake re-calibration through GDS2, which basically walks you through setting the electronic parking brake while the system reads it’s position. Viewing all DTCs in GDS2 will let you know if you need to accomplish this. GDS2 will list “Parking Brake Relearn Required” under the full list of DTCs.




If you're getting a "Cruise Fault" and unable to enable openpilot control after confirming all firmware has flashed correctly, try recalibrating the brake pedal position sensor through SPS.



VXDIAG GDS2 Clear 2013 GM Volt P0AFA and P1E00 Codes

How to clear code P0AFA using VXDIAG VCX NANO GM GDS2?

Here is the user’s working expense:

“It is a 2013 GM Volt with a few bad cells. The cell voltage dropped below the threshold again to get the RPP error and locked out of charging. Torque pro app shows the fault code P1E00 and P0AFA. But it does not clear the codes. After trying a few tools without success, I finally decided to follow the suggestions here and purchased the VXDIAG VCX Nano GM from vxdiagshop.com along with the GDS2 software. The GDS2 software itself didn’t need to be purchased, as they provided a download link, but I did buy an online account separately.


For installing GDS2. First you have to install the GM MDI software. Then GDS2. Then VX Manager. At least that’s what worked for me.


How to clear code P0AFA?

Used Win10 laptop with VXDIAG VCX NANO code reader connected with USB cable.

Opened VXDIAG software, then diagnostics, then GDS2 software, it installed GDS2, then opened GDS2, next clicked find VIN, found the car, then followed instructions.

  • module diagnistics
  • hybrid powertrain control model 2
  • control functions
  • clear secured high voltage DTC’s
  • last tab, “DTCs Display”
  • select the item in list and click “Reset”. Once text above “Reset” button says “reset” exit the “Clear Secured High Voltage DTCs” procedure which should put you back at procedures menu
  • go back to “Hybrid/EV Powertrain Control Module 2” menu and select “Display DTC’s”
  • Click the “Clear DTC” button. It took me to another page with list of DTCs at top and had to add the DTC to list at bottom as a way to “selecting” it.
  • Click Ok, twice. At that point my DTC was clear and car started charging.

I checked to see if there were any other DTCs but did not see any. I turned the car of and it is currently charging.”

My advice to others trying to clear these codes is: Invest in the right tools and follow the step-by-step process. It saves you a lot of hassle and a trip to the dealer.

Volt running smoothly.

I strongly recommend purchasing directly from the official website (vxdiagshop.com), where you can get excellent customer support!

Also, there are relevant installation tutorials on the website, which might be helpful to you!

Good luck to everyone dealing with this issue!