One of our customers got the VXDIAG VCX SE and 2022.09 Xentry HDD but it won't connect to any Mercedes. Failed to communicate with 2005 w163, 2017 W205 and 2013 W212. Failed to read VIN or manual input along with error "initialization of the multiplexer has failed". Any solution?
He got technical help from via Teamviewer.
He didn't update the Benz C6 VCI driver.
Xentry 2022.09 requires the latest C6 driver upgrade.
Do the following:
1. Update Benz C6 driver in vx manager
2. Run Xentry recovery tool on the desktop to sync Xentry VCI.
NOTE: Don't sync VCI before update C6 driver. Always update C6 driver first.
3. Xentry 2022.09 is working fine. It will communicate with vehicle now.