VXDIAG Tech2win GM Crankshaft Position Relearn

When a Crankshaft Position Sensor or or PCM is replaced this procedure must be done to clear the check engine light (p1336 DTC). It's very easy using tech2win and a vxdiag vcx nano gm scan tool as shown.

We're going to make a quick tutorial on how to reset the check engine light for DTC 1336. that usallay means that the engine requires a crank position relearn.
This happens when you reset the ECM or reprogram it.

I got the old Dell laptop fire up. How to do that real quick with the Teh2win using vxdiag vcx nano for gm.

This is a j2534 scan tool you can get on vxdiagshop.com for like 119 bucks.

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It's plugged into my pc right now and we're going to go ahead and show you how to do a crank position relearn.

So you go to tech2win-> North American and select MDI interface.

Select Diagnostics
Select model year select 2002 because it's a 2002 passenger car

Select powertrain
Select engine type, here 4.6L V8 L37

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Read DTC
Fault code: P1336 Crankshaft Position System Variation Not Learned

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Go back to Powertrain menu
Select Special Function
Select F4: Crankshaft position variation learn

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Because we have a v8 if the cutoff is 4000 rpm if you have a v6 it's 5150 RPM.

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it's a 3970 so that seems good to know anyway push enter and just not yeah whatever block drive wheels set parking brake

do not apply brake pedal and then we're gonna go ahead and cycle the ignition on and then off again, and push enter, press and hold and start the engine.

so we should be able to do that checking 24x crank signal test in progress.

I just read it to 4000 rpm you probably heard it.

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there learn this ignition so we're just going to click exit and that's all there is to it it's really freaking easy.

it just tells you to floor it and then once it the fuel cutoff happens you just let go that's it that's literally it

so just to prove it actually wrong thing to prove it i'm going to go ahead and clear that dtc and it will not come back.

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VXDIAG Tech2win Diagnose Corvette C6 Radio Circuit Current Draw

Got down to investigating a current draw on the car (Chevrolet Corvette C6 2005 – 2013 ) and narrowed it down to the OBD circuit and radio circuit. I have a PAC RP4-GM11 harness that seems to be zapping away 45ma ,and a draw coming from the OBD port which has a dashlogic connected. For now the dashlogic is disconnected. I ordered a new pac harness that I'll be swapping out.

I plugged it in today and reset it, worked like a charm. I'm not going to worry about that until I figure out the current draw I have on my radio circuit. I think it might be the PAC module but I can't tell for certain. I replaced the module and the harness today and the 45ma current draw on the radio circuit persists. There is currently no radio in the car, and the harness is not powering anything other than the module. I also removed the xm module that I discovered is powered on the radio circuit, and I unplugged the rdclr module — no change.

I ordered a vxdiag vcx nano gm obd2 scanner to see if any of the modules aren't going to sleep. Not sure I have any ideas outside of that.

Trying to understand the rdo/s-band/vics circuit. From what I can gather, it powers two things — the head unit and the xm module. Just need to rule out the possibility of something else on this circuit drawing power. In the car right now the head unit and xm module are both removed from the vehicle. Adding the RP4 GM11, the circuit shoots up to 45ma. On the phone they stated 10ma is what it should draw.

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VXDIAG Tech2win Diagnose Corvette C6 Radio Circuit Current Draw 2
Spoke with PAC support and they told me the draw is consistent with the module not going to sleep, and it relies on the BCM to do so. They suspect the BCM isn't going to sleep. My VCX Nano just arrived so im going to try to get everything set up and find out what's what.
Update. Got tech2win going, was pretty easy. Tried to learn as much as possible about it since last night. I cleared all DTCs, charged the battery overnight and hooked it all up today. Driver door module and switch have a couple DTC. No other DTC set on anything else. Module status goes to inactive after a few seconds on all active modules and they do not wake up again until the tech2 loses communication with the car after about 5 minutes and the system power mode goes to *. Does this mean the modules are working properly? Is this normal behavior? I still have a power draw under these conditions. Going to keep trying to install TIS2000 in case I need it, but it's giving me a run for the money.
Driver Door Module U1301 Class 2 data link high
Driver Door Switch U1301 Class 2 data link high
Driver Door Switch B1009 EEPROM Checksum Mismatch
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Update again.

Everything was looking OK on the tech 2. I tried two RP4 GM11s that both had the same issue so this time I tried an RP5 GM11 and I tested the circuit after radio shutdown — power on that circuit gradually falls all the way to zero within 15 seconds of radio shutdown. I think that should fix it. Just wondering now if the DTCs set by the driver door module are anything to care about.

Corvette C6 BPPS Calibration with VXDIAG VCX NANO Tech2win

GM Tech2 or the vxdiag vcx nano gm tech2win scanner will calibrate the bpps on Chevrolet Corvette C6 by itself.


Tips on BPS relearn:

Step 1: Set up vx manager and software

First off, you want to install VX manager 1.8.* to a windows 7 or up machine. Windows defender may see the VX manager has a problem during install, so if you do get a pop up from defender that is blocking one of the files, need to click on the pop up and allow VX manager to install.

Once you have VX manager installed and working correctly, plug the VCX Nano into the machine, click on the firmware icon to update the firmware on the nano, then click on the license icon to update the license for the nano.

Leave VX manager open, leave the VCX Nano plugged into the machine, and run the Tech II autoinstall.exe from the disc tech2 win folder that will come with the machine. This will install two Tech2win icons on the desktop, and the one that is Quickstart, Delete it since you will never use it.

Now with Tech2 win installed on the machine, go back into VX manager, click on the top diagnostic tab, go the second tab down on the left hand side, and install Passthrou, GM GDS2/T2W apps in Vx manager. Once these are installed, do a restart on the computer.


Step 2: BPS relearn procedure 

Now to use the VXDIAG VCX Nano GM, start off by clicking on the Tech2win icon in the desktop with the nano plugged into the laptop.
You will get a pop up screen, so select North America.
Next pop up screen, select MDI 1.
Third pop up screen, select USB device in the list.
Now you will be into the Tech2 win program.

Put the car into ACC mode, connect the nano to the OBDII port of the car, then in tech2 win back on the laptop.
Click OK,
Click F0 diagnostic,
Click 2013, and not the year of your car if is a 2006 or later. Hence there is a bug in the program, and to get to the BCM in a car after 2005, you have to select 2013. any other modules you want to get to, just use the real year of the car.
Click passenger car
Click chevy,
Click Y body type
Click body, let the program read the car, then select BPS relearn to do the re-lean from the body list.

On the relearn, don't touch the brake pedal for the first part, and when you go to press the pedal down for the second part, don't go buck wild on the pedal press. Just press the pedal enough to get into the brakes lightly!!!!

If you need to do a clutch position sensor relearn, then you want CPS and on this one, pedal at rest to start with, then pedal all the way down for that relearn.
