VXDIAG Subaru SSM4 review: programming/copying Subaru BRZ key for cheap.
'I just want to let you guys know that you can
pretty much program a new key fob for the win.
In my experience, I was able
to program a new Key fob for my 2017 BRZ using SSM4 and getting a CLEAN [virgin]
key fob from eBay.
Again, it has to be a key fob that is ready to be
programmed. Any used key fob already programmed with an existing vehicle WILL
not work until it's dis-virgin as long as the key fob FCC ID matches your
existing one.
In my case the FCC for my key fob is HYQ14AHC. you can find
that at the back of the key fob.
So any Subaru key fob works as long as it
matches the FC ID – it's interchangeable between Subaru vehicles.
All you
need is a copy of :
1. SSM4 (depending on the copy you get you might need
additional software to be able to use it )
VCX SE Subaru scanner (or of the J2534 certified dongle)
3. and of course
a virgin keyless entry FOB matching your existing FCC ID fob'