He saved and saved and saved. I was periodically tormented by a stupid error message about the charge optimization system on the Mazda CX-5 (1G) Engine 2.0 petrol (150 hp) 2012. Found the device a clone of the original official device IDS for relatively less money vxdiag vcx nano for ford/mazda.
There are official representatives, and there are sellers with Aliexpress. In the first case, they give all guarantees that the device is original + full support, but take a bit more than Ali. In the second case, it is cheaper, but you can get it without a guarantee and support. So i decided to order it from vxdiagshop.com. Download and install the Mazda IDS software, a patch, and drove it into the car.
Software took here www.vxdiagshop.com/info/download/
First I looked at the auto settings, parameters, went into programming, the program gave a message that there was a new pcm firmware version L, in fact, this was what I needed, I had G.
Launched the firmware. Of course, it was scary to screw up the module, but everything went well, I waited for about 5 minutes. I will test and watch the battery charge.
There was no update on the box and the rest of the modules.
I am attaching a table from the bulletin on charge optimization.