Allscanner VXDIAG released the new Benz Xentry software 2021.12 on Jan, 8th, 2022.
VXDIAG Benz Software: 2021.12
EPC/WIS 11/2018
StarFinder 2016-2020
SDmedia 2014
DTS Monaco 8.13.029
Win10 x 64bit system
Affected devices: VXDIAG Benz C6, VCX SE Benz, VCX Plus Benz DoIP, VXDIAG Full etc
Requires V1.8.6 and later vx manager and new C6 driver (check update vx manager and c6 driver)
Before it only recognized as passthru now with the new vx manager drivers all c6, passthru and DoIP works in DTS.
12/2020 Xentry Images Display